SIGNAL IDUNA’s modern car insurance policy system goes live
A new development of the motor policy system for the management of individual risks and large fleet business started in January 2013.
SIGNAL IDUNA’s modern car insurance policy system goes live
The SIGNAL IDUNA Group, Dortmund/Hamburg, replaced their mainframe car insurance contract management system with a modern policy management system.
Dortmund/Munich, 3. December 2015 A new development of the motor policy system for the management of individual risks and large fleet business started in January 2013.
The first phase of this two-step project is now complete thanks to the successful rollout of individual risk management. The second phase will continue until mid-2017 and will cover fleet contracts and large customers.
The new motor system is based on modern Java-technology and was developed in two and a half years. An integral part of the new policy system is Faktor-IPS, Faktor Zehn’s software (the implementation partner). The policy management system was developed as a collaboration between both Faktor Zehn and SIGNAL IDUNA, with the latter taking on the project management.
The productive rollout was completed on time and within budget thanks to the agile project methodology.
The line of business motor consists of more than 630.000 insured risks and a premium volume of more than 320 million Euros, and it is an important area of business for the SIGNAL IDUNA, which makes motor policy renewal management particularly important.
The goal is to make the processes more efficient, to optimize automation in order to improve the customer journey and improve services for sales partners and to improve product flexibility.
SIGNAL IDUNAS customers can now expect more innovative products, such as “App Drive” a telematics-based tariff.
(Signs: 1828)
About the SIGNAL IDUNA Group
The SIGNAL IDUNA Group is one of Germany’s largest all-round financial groups, and its strategy is to expand into the rest of Europe. It offers all types of cover and financial products from a single source.
The group is one of the top organizations amongst Germany’s largest insurance companies.#