HDI Global SE launches new Underwriting Workbench globally

On this basis, the first stage of a solution spanning products and lines was completed for global application within the space of one year.


Category: Project updates

HDI Global SE launches new Underwriting Workbench globally

1. Launch of a unified and interdisciplinary underwriting solution spanning different lines
2. HDI Global SE is committed to product and process-driven solution design with core components of Faktor Zehn GmbH

Hannover, Germany, 27 November 2019 – HDI Global SE, the industrial insurer of the HDI Group, is currently introducing a new system for end-to-end support of the underwriting process. The Underwriting Workbench is the central application that takes underwriters through the process, supports pricing and consistently records data relevant to the process.
Since October 2019, approximately 800 users have been working with the Underwriting Workbench in the lines liability, marine, cyber, property and engineering insurance at 26 locations across the world.
The launch project started after a short proof-of-concept phase in May 2018. October 2018 already saw productive operation with a product from the liability line of business for locations in Germany. On this basis, the first stage of a solution spanning products and lines was completed for global application within the space of one year.

Agile development process

HDI Global SE is committed to an agile development process in the development of the Underwriting Workbench. The first international stage is already delivering clear value added for the users and the company without being able to claim any factual completeness. Further development now integrates user feedback and experience from productive application at an early stage.
The aim of the current version of the workbench is to standardise pricing and the approval process as far as possible and to unify these processes across different lines. The management of process sections specific to lines and products is carried out with the assistance of the underlying product configuration using the product system Faktor-IPS from Faktor Zehn GmbH. Other Faktor-Zehn products are used for generating offers with Faktor-IOS and the linkki interface framework.

About HDI Global SE (HDI)

As an industrial lines insurer, HDI Global SE (HDI) meets the needs of SMEs, industrial companies and corporate customers with insur-ance solutions that are specifically tailored to their requirements. In addition to HDI’s prominent position in the German and broader Eu-ropean market, the company also has operations in more than 150 countries through foreign branch offices, subsidiary and peer com-panies, and network partners. The company is thus able to offer its customers local policies for their global operations, which ensure that the established service and insurance protection is extended for all covered risks worldwide.

HDI Global SE is a company in the Talanx Group and manages the Industrial Lines Di-vision within the Group. More than three thou-sand employees in this division generated gross written premiums of approx. EUR 4.7 billion in the year 2018. The rating agency Standard & Poor’s has given the Talanx Primary Group a financial strength rating of A+/stable (strong).

HDI Global SE website

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