Authorised Representatives:
Jörg Renger, Jan Ortmann
Registered court and company number:
Amtsgericht München
HRB 242535VAT identification number according to § 27a UStG:
DE 814 26 06 91
Responsible for content in line with § 55 Absatz 2 RStV:
Jörg Renger, Managing Director
Jo Kirchherr – www.jokirchherr.com
Design and implementation:
Friendventure GmbH – Friendventure | WordPress Agentur
Faktor Zehn GmbH
Friedenheimer Brücke 21
80639 Munich
GermanyE-Mail: info@faktorzehn.de
Telephone: +49 89 520 311 0
Telefax: +49 89 520 311 500